An Illustrated Mother Goose for New Readers

Front Cover
Learn to read with classic Mother Goose counting rhymes, and humorous full color illustrations.
Author: Richard Fredric Grenvile
with F Franklin Davis
Formats: 6 x 9 Trades
5.5 x 8.5 Trades
Pages: 170
LCCN: 2013908453
ISBN: 978-1-48487857-6
Twenty-one classic and not so well-known nursery rhymes are brought to colorful life by Franklin Davis whose quirky characters perfectly illustrate these familiar verses. From Jack and Jill to Jack Sprat, this kid-size book depicts these favorite characters in bright, lively and humorous detail.
Traditional counting rhymes have long been used to capture young imaginations, and easily commit themselves to memory. New readers approach the learning curve empowered with familiar and fun text, enabled to anticipate context. Humorous depictions encourage the reader to form visual associations between spoken verse, written text and iconic images.
Oversize text and images allow a teacher or parent to create an interactive learning environment. Familiar verses help the new reader to feel more comfortable with the learning process. An illustrated Mother Goose is a perfect foundation for any beginner’s library, and F Franklin Davis’ large illustrations and oversize text are perfect for group or personal story time.
On sale Now at Kindle, Nook, iTunes/iBooks, Kobo, diesel, Sony Reader Store , Indigo, and
Print Format also available at Amazon, diesel, Barnes & Noble, and Powell’s Books.
About the Authors
Richard Fredric Grenvile is a divinity student and author of Scifi and fantasy for adult, YA and juvenile readers. He has a background in computer science, electronics and philosophy.
F Franklin Davis is a freelance copywriter, illustrator.
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